Tajuk : Perangkap Lubang Abu Lahab Makan Tuan Sendiri.
Artikel Oleh : Sangtawal Sakranta
Abu Lahab adalah di antara mereka yang amat memusuhi Nabi Saw walaupun dia salah seorang dari bapa saudara Nabi saw .Isterinya Hindun juga turut serta dalam perjuangan suaminya Abu Lahab memusuhi dan membenci Nabi saw.Hindun sanggup mengupah perempuan tua meletakkan duri dan tahi unta di sepanjang laluan Nabi saw.Walaupun pada suatu hari perempuan tua itu jatuh sakit, Nabi saw pun pergi melawatnya, malah Nabi saw menyuapkan ubat serta makanan ke mulutnya, akhlak Nabi saw seperti itu pun masih tidak menginsafkan isteri Abu Lahab juga.
Bapa saudara Nabi saw Abi Talib pernah bersemuka dan bertanya kepada Abu Lahab mengapa dia sangat membenci dan memusuhi Nabi saw, Abu Lahab mengaku yang dia sangat cemburu dan tidak senang hati bila Allah swt melantik Nabi saw menjadi Nabi dan Rasul sedangkan dia merasakan dialah yang paling layak menjadi Nabi , dia pemimpin yang kaya raya sedangkan Nabi saw adalah orang miskin dan anak yatim piatu.Dia bimbang jika seluruh orang arab akan mengikut agama Islam yang dibawa oleh Nabi saw dan menjadikan Nabi saw sebagai pemimpin mereka kelak, maka dia akan kehilangan pengaruh dan kedudukan .
Setelah pelbagai cara dibuat untuk membunuh Nabi saw gagal, Abu Lahab merancang untuk memasang satu perangkap dengan harapan Nabi saw akan masuk kedalam perangkap yang dipasangnya itu.Dia berharap agar Nabi Muhammad saw akan termakan umpannya dan terjatuh kedalam lubang itu lalu dia akan menyuruh orang-orangnya mengambus lubang itu dengan tanah agar Nabi Muhammad saw boleh dibunuh dan ditanam hidup-hidup!
Suatu hari Abu Lahab mengupah beberapa orang menggali satu lubang yang dalam didalam bilik tidurnya .Setelah siap digali lubang itu dia pun menutup lubang itu dengan sehelai kain.Abu Lahab pun berpura-pura sakit dan menyuruh orang memanggil Nabi Muhammad saw kononnya dia mahu berjumpa dengan Nabi saw segera.
Nabi Muhammad saw pun terus pergi kerumah Abu Lahab dan didapati Abu Lahab berada dalam biliknya.Ketika masuk ke bilik Abu Lahab itu, Allah swt memerintahkan malaikat Jibril a.s agar memaklumkan kepada Nabi saw akan taktik kotor dan perangkap lubang Abu Jahal yang sudah siap terpasang itu, maka Nabi saw pun tidak mendekati katil Abu Lahab walaupun Abu Lahab berlakon sedang mengerang kesakitan.
Kerana terlalu marah dengan tindakan Nabi saw yang duduk berjauhan dengannya sedangkan dia telah memanggil Nabi saw berkali-kali agar datang dekat dengannya dan memicit kepalanya, maka Abu Lahab pun bangun untuk memarahi dan memukul Nabi saw.Ketika itu sahabat Nabi saw Abu Bakar sampai kerumah Abu Lahab untuk memberitahu Nabi saw bahawa ada perangkap yang sedang dipasang untuk membunuh Nabi saw.Abu Bakar mendapat tahu rahsia ini setelah memberikan hadiah wang sebanyak 100 dirham kepada isteri Abu Lahab.Kerana tamakkan wang dan berhati busuk, maka rahsia suaminya telah dibongkarkan kepada Abu Bakar oleh isteri Abu Lahab sendiri.
Belum pun sempat Abu Bakar memberitahu Nabi saw, tiba-tiba Abu Lahab sendiri terjatuh kedalam lubang perangkapnya sendiri .Selepas itu orang-orang suruhan Abu Lahab yang sedang bersembunyi di satu sudut dalam bilik itu pun keluar bila mendengar orang terjatuh, namun mereka sempat mendengar Abu Lahab memekik meminta tolong dan mengarahkan agar dia tidak dikambus dengan tanah atau dibunuh! Abu Bakar yang baru sampai dan masih terkejut dengan kejadian itu, tidak dapat menahan ketawanya.Apa tidaknya perangkap telah memakan tuannya sendiri.Manusia hanya mampu merancang, Allah swt yang menentukannya.
Itulah cerita Abu Lahab dengan perangkap lubangnya.Kalau dah berniat jahat dan berhati busuk untuk melakukan khianat, maka diatas dunia lagi Allah swt akan tunjukkan balasannya! Inikan pula orang yang ingin dikhianatinya itu adalah seorang Nabi dan Rasul, malah Nabi Muhammad saw adalah merupakan ‘Anugerah Tuhan’ yang tidak ternilai untuk umat ini!
Sebagai satu ingatan untuk mereka yang melakukan perbuatan terkutuk, seperti juga kisah kaum Luth dengan hubungan sesama jenisnya , watak Abu Lahab dan isterinya ini diabadikan dalam Al-Quran, malah ada satu Surah dinamai Surah Al-Lahab.
“Binasalah kedua-dua tangan Abu Lahab dan binasalah dia bersama; hartanya dan segala yang diusahakannya, tidak dapat menolongnya.Dia akan menderita dibakar api neraka yang marak menjulang. Dan juga isterinya, seorang perempuan pemunggah kayu api(penyebar fitnah). Dilehernya sejenis tali, dari tali-tali yang dipintal” [ Al-Lahab : 1- 5 ]
*[ Artikel ke-213 Sangtawal Sakranta ]
cerita yg sgt menarik..
cuma ayat "sedangkan Nabi saw adalah orang MISKIN dan anak yatim piatu." itu perlu ditukar kepada ZUHUD.. sebab sebagai seorang Nabi Allah, sifat miskin adalah sifat hina x sesuai digunakan utk makam seorang NABI & RASUL.. sedangkan Rasulullah SAW bukan berasal dr keluarga yg miskin malah ahli keluarga baginda semua kaya2 belaka.. tetapi Rasulullah SAW memilih kehidupan yg zuhud..
maaf ya sangtawal.. bukan memandai tapi sekadar memperingatkan..
terus kn usaha anta.. maassalamah ilal liqa'.. :)
assalamualaikum sangtawal..
harap saudara dapat membuat satu artikel berkenaan sultan ali, yang kemudiannya menyerahkan johor kepada temenggung ibrahim..agaj tertarik dengan kisah ni...
salam kasih dari yang empunya kasih..
ku saksikan zahir lagi nyata,bahawa kekasihku penghulu para anbiya'..bersifat kaya lagi teramat..
tiada cacat celanya..
sempurna lahir batinya..
setiap penghuni alam merinduinya..
setiap isi alam bersalawat atasnya..
Salam semua,
Terima kasih atas komen.
Ayat 'miskin' itu adalah dari kata-kata Abu Lahab kepada Abi Talib ketika ditanya oleh Abi Talib kenapa dia amat membenci Rasulullah saw.Apabila saya membuat artikel memindahkan dari ayat dialog antara keduanya, jadilah ayat seperti yang tertulis diatas, bukan maksud saya untuk menghina Nabi... itu dari kata-kata Abu Lahab.Semoga saudaraku santri pondok dan habib diatas berpuas hati.
insyaAllah, saya akan usahakan.
Nabi SAW seorang yang bertaqwa.
Didalam taqwa itu terkandung zuhud,qa'naah,redha,sabar,syukur,insaf dan lain lain lagi..
Kebenaran tetap akan menang juga akhirnya... "Waqul jaa-alhaqqu wazahaqal baatil, innal baatila kaana zahuuqa"...
Well, UMNO managed to achieve one thing. The BTN-type morons, have been overwhelmingly successful in brainwashing todays 27 million citizens.
Who says that the peninsular was always called Tanah Melayu? This is a recent British term!
Tanah Melayu was never the name until the British came and colonized the peninsular.
Malai means hill in Tamil; as to describe the Titiwangsa range on the said peninsular since the 2nd century by the Gujerati traders who set up their formidable Hindu empire at Lembah Bujang.
This malay pig race is so stupid, that they'd never amount to anything in this world.
This message board has been here for awhile, and if anyone goes back, there is no one message, that talks good about this stupid malay pig race, because everybody knows how stupid, and hateful this malay pig race is all about.
The malay pig will crumble from internal weaknesses and disappear in era of globalization - no need for others to colonize them.
Because malay pig like to be parasites and feed on the Chinese income tax!
Wait until the malay pig population increase to 90% in Malaysia, the same ratio as in Indonesia, then you will know the meaning of poor, as there will be too many malay pig to subsidize.
Then the economy collapse.
The malay pig are actually digging their own grave and they are trying to dig a deeper and bigger one now.
But all of them I have to see are being manipulated by certain top malay politicians so they will support them.
There show that the general malay pig are quite stupid and can't think outside the box.
Only 1% of the malay pig can make it and they are the exceptions. If malay pig are not stupid, what are they?
If all malay pig jump into sea and all die!
This world will become very very beautiful.
Our current malay generation is racist now because they desperately want to hang on to privileges which I frankly believe it slowly causing the malay race to rot away and become a pathetic race on crutches dependent.
I think that malays are the most stupid idiots on earth – they might have big sized bodies bud in their heads, but they have puny brains.
Thus coming to the conclusion that they are the most stupid black blocks on earth – they are coloured black and stink like a garbage dump.
Does malays ever think twice about their religious? What if yours believe is not what you think!
You malays will rape anybody just for sexual pleasure. You didn't read about the malay who raped his own sister?
Not only that! They yell 5 times per day and expect to go to heaven! After committing so many sins like steal, rape, killing!
Malays are so stupid that deserve to be robbed by their own government. They in fact deserve to be raped as well. Maybe we were better off as British rule Malaysia after all.
Malays are jealous of Chinese, that is why they hate them. Americans are not jealous of Chinese, because they don't need tongkat. They buy a lot of Chinese goods. If they hate, they would have boycott the products. Bodoh!
Oh! Bodoh! Only blind man needs tongkat.
If Americans don't hate the malays, why is there so much bad press against Mahathir when he scolded the Americans? You malays are brainless and never read the newspaper. Everyday special rights here and there……….still like your tongkat so much!
You go to American embassy and see which country now is blacklisted? Did they blacklist Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong?
Even the Japanese look down upon the malays because they are just a bunch of fool, corrupt, lazy person who feed on the Chinese income tax for their existence.
The malays want to produce as many pig babies as they want, but doesn’t teach them what is honesty, hardworking, civilisation!
San, Killer & Cooloc
I don't know what kind evil perveded in your mind....u guys sound soo racist & moron. How come in this modern world & "civilize peoples" (if u are, but i don't think so) says something based on your emotion & not using your brain at all. Please guys it shows your level of intelligence & stupidity. U BETTER WATCH OUT for what will happen in future... I have lot of good friends from all the races & they not behave like you guys. We can make discussion in intellectual & good way but not to blame or condemn based on your own evil judgemental.
san,killer and cooloc;
KAMU TERSALAH TEMPAT SONDOL, sila menyondol di sini :
terima kasih atas komen, jangan layan sangat geng-geng Abu Lahab tu.
San, Killer & Cooloc is the same person that need an attention and less affection. so funny sound silly describe malay as a pig while they still eat that everyday haha so stupid chinese. yeah maybe you are not happy live in this malay country than you are welcome to leave as soon as possible. learn malaysia history. so pity on you until die will had a tax wakaka
Chinese are idiots without malay kindness and tolerance they couldn't make a living here. Chinese goid in business? Fucking liars! Do you wanna know how they make lots of money? They cheat. Yes, they cheat! They mark up price of an item almost 200% sometimes 300%. They mixed good quality products and fake products in the same label to deceive customers. They used Malay or Arab names for they product labels to deceive Malays into buying them. If Malays didn't buy it, they cannot cari makan. They support their business by being Ah Long, by gambling, and most of the richest chinese exists now came from Kongsi Gelap's families during British time. Samseng who printed out the black money, stole from rich Malays. Do you think they are good? They're the one who claimed they're good. Perasan sendiri. Banyak makan babi thats why attitude resembles babi. I knew a Chinese tauke made lots of money by cheating Exxon Mobil thru a deceitful contract. 300,000 paid for something that is not exist? the whole contract was almost a million of amount. but the tauke freely get 300,000 by cheating. Exxon Mobil personnel also stupid to not further investigate the contract. When one of the staff highlighted this to the tauke, the tauke said, "Kuta diam saja lo. Exxon tak check, you jangan bising". Later the Malay staff was fired and the tauke created bad accusations toward the staff to hide her evil deed. Chinese are greedy pigs. Never trust them. Every race in thus world hates Chinese. Malaysia got bad names all because of Chinese. Chinese went to western countries and stay thete illegally hoping to get green cards. Visa was imposed to us because of them. Fucking chinese, they are weak. They thought Malays are not interested to carik gaduh, sopan2 because we are weak. We are not weak, you know 13 May? Chinese were brutally killed by malays because chinese started the provocation. chinese called malay stupid and weak, but when the malays amok, then only they knew Chinese couldn't fight Malays. When we feel calm, we may look weak. But when we really2 mad, naik hantu. We could beat the strongest people you might know. Beware chinese! and remember, you can kumpul harta banyak2 now. Open lots of shop. but when you provoke us malays and make us mad. we will kill you and take alk your wealth, burn your shops like when 13 may. and indonesian will join us cause they are malays too. just remember that before you provoke us. Bastard chinese!
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