Rasanya elok saya berkongsi pengalaman melihat satu kejadian menarik ciptaan Allah swt kelmarin selepas solat jumaat ketika saya dan keluarga dalam perjalanan ke Kota Bharu.
Setelah kejadian aneh itu disedari oleh anak sulung saya.Saya pun terus menghentikan kereta di tepi jalan berdekatan dengan Pasar Borong wakaf Che Yeh.Gambar-gambar di atas saya rakamkan dengan kamera saya yang kebetulan ada bersama anak saya.
Kejadian ini berlaku kira-kira jam 2.15 petang kelmarin,iaitu petang jumaat 29 Hb Mei 2009 atau 4 jamadil Akhir 1430 H
Banyak perkara sebenarnya yang boleh kita fikirkan berkaitan kejadian pelangi,cahaya dan warna.Pelangi sememangnya mempunyai 7 jalur warna....ada apa dengan cahaya dan warna?....insyaAllah dalam artikel saya selepas ini kita berbincang berkaitan cahaya dan warna....
Apakah ada sesuatu alamat atau kejadian yang akan berlaku.???...kerana setiap yang Allah jadikan itu ada Hikmahnya...
update 2/6/2009 @ 11.00 am
Disini saya ingin siarkan satu komen menarik dari rakan blogger saya iaitu anakbukitgantang @ Klik Sini : komen beliau ada hubung-kait dengan artikel saya di atas.Selamat membaca!
Komen 1
Terima kasih Sang Tawal,atas gambar tersebut.... saya juga baru nak mengumpul cerita istimewa mengenai 30 May, sbb rakan2x blogger dari luar negara asyik mengaitkan fenomena astronomy pada 30 May dengan kebangkitan spiritual, bagi yang mengikuti dan menyedarinya.
Izinkan saya utk copy and paste artikel ini dalam blog saya ye?
Apa yang penting adalah bersihkan diri dengan taubat,amal ibadat dll, utk mendapat manfaat. Ingatlah Allah dalam hatimu dan Allah akan memberi ganjaranNya.
May 31, 2009 8:00 PM
Komen 2 :
atau Klik Sini
The night sky will be lighted up with a lot of comets come this June
The details of the cometh of these comet is from this link http://www.aerith.net/comet/rendezvous/current.html
Also from NASA about a few comets lighting up in the sky link here http://www.seasky.org/astronomy/astronomy_calendar_2009.html
The readers will be asking then, what is the relevant of a few comets showing up and beautifying the night sky with us, the human beings?
There is one famous comet that is linked, mysteriously, with the formation of the state of Israel….Haley’s comet. Is it prophecy or simply numerical coincidence?
Bassam Nihad Jarrar, of Ramallah, Palestine, in his book Israeli Empire Collapses in 2022 AD, claims that there is a connection between Haleys’s comet and Jewish beliefs…
In the book it stated that:-
“according to the vague prophecy the Jewish state will last 76 years…..”
Facts : Haleys comet was first seen in 1948, the year of the formation of the state. It will take another 76 solar years before Haley’s comet complete orbiting the sun. It is estimated that Haley’s comet will reach aphelion (the furthest point from the sun, and nearest to earth, thus can be seen by naked eye) in 2022 AD….Interesting enough, the state reach its zenith point half of the 76 years, i.e. 38 years after formation. This event is also linked to the said comet and surah Al Israa’.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In The Name of Allah, Most
Gracious, Most Merciful
[When the second warning came to pass, We permitted your enemies to disfigure your faces, and to enter your temple as they had entered it before, and to visit with destruction all that fell into their power.] (17:7)
There is a lot of interesting coincidence…………..which was stated in the book and the link http://www.alargam.com/prove/jews/ragm222.htm .
No wonder, past Islamic scholar like Ibn Arabi and alike, study astronomy. These muslim scholar left vast knowledge and the evidence of observation centres still exist in Samarkand,Uzbezkistan(Central Asia) and Spain.
Aside from that, what is the connection between astronomy and human being? Least we forget, the extinction of dinasours was attributed to large comet that bombarded the crust of the then young earth. These caused huge cloud that remained on earth atmosphere for a long time and hindered plants photosynthesis process (plant needed sun rays to process food), thus disrupted the food chain. Dinosaurs, being at the top of the food chain then, were deprived of their food supplies and died en mass.
I checked NASA website and found this interesting astrobiology topic.. ….link http://astrobiology.nasa.gov/nai ehmmm interesting subject right? A marriage made out of earth past violent history of massive environment and climate changes due to astronomical events ….a combination….of astronomy and biology…..so human at least learn lesson from the past.
The website stated that astrobiology is the study of:-
“ ...the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe. This multidisciplinary field encompasses the search for habitable environments in our Solar System and habitable planets outside our Solar System, the search for evidence of prebiotic chemistry and life on Mars and other bodies in our Solar System, laboratory and field research into the origins and early evolution of life on Earth, and studies of the potential for life to adapt to challenges on Earth and in space” .
So nowadays studies are done to check earth changing environment and climate, the effect on crop yield and relevant astronomical events that affected hman race.
post on June 2, 2009 10:34 AM
Terima kasih Sang Tawal,atas gambar tersebut.... saya juga baru nak mengumpul cerita istimewa mengenai 30 May, sbb rakan2x blogger dari luar negara asyik mengaitkan fenomena astronomy pada 30 May dengan kebangkitan spiritual, bagi yang mengikuti dan menyedarinya.
Izinkan saya utk copy and paste artikel ini dalam blog saya ye?
Apa yang penting adalah bersihkan diri dengan taubat,amal ibadat dll, utk mendapat manfaat. Ingatlah Allah dalam hatimu dan Allah akan memberi ganjaranNya.
salam anakbukitgantang.
terima kasih atas ingatan dan pesanan...
Orang tua 2 dulu mengatakan jika matahari macam itu dikenali sebagai lingkaran cincin..Kadang bulan juga mengalami lingkaran cincin. Apa kelebihan maksud itu saya kurang pasti. Pada bula biasanya berlaku pada bulan cerah atau pada bulan terang. Wassalam
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